Las Vegas Spousal Support Lawyer
Navigating Spousal Support & Alimony Matters in Nevada
Nevada alimony laws stop when the spouse receiving alimony either dies or remarries. Alimony is a type of court-ordered financial support paid by one spouse to the other. It is intended to support a lower-earning or unemployed spouse during and after a divorce.
In many cases, one spouse did not pursue an education or a career, or they supported their spouse’s career during the marriage. After a divorce, these spouses find themselves pursuing education or reentering the workforce. Spousal support helps them maintain financial security until they find their footing and become self-sufficient.
When awarding alimony, a judge may consider various factors such as:
- Each spouse’s income, financial status, and earning potential
- The length of the marriage
- Whether one spouse forewent an education or career to support the other
- Each spouse’s contributions to homemaking, raising children, etc.
- Where each spouse will live after the divorce
- Job opportunities available to the spouse seeking support
Schedule a consultation with a Las Vegas alimony lawyer at The Hill Law Group. Contact us at (702) 781-7222 today.
How Can You Reduce Alimony?
It is sometimes necessary to fight, reduce, or terminate alimony - you will need to petition the court and be able to demonstrate that you have experienced a "significant change in circumstance," such as:
- Involuntary loss of a job or significant decrease in your income
- Illness or disability that prevents you from working
- Remarriage of your former spouse
- A significant increase in your former spouse's income
There is no hard definition of "significant change in circumstance." If you need to fight alimony or get a reduction in alimony, then it is in your best interests to discuss your situation with a Las Vegas spousal support lawyer to find out if you qualify.
How Long Do You Have to Be Married to Get Alimony in Nevada?
Nevada alimony law does not specify how long a couple must have been married in order for a spouse to receive alimony payments upon divorce. Instead, this is left up to the judge's discretion. In most cases if the couple has been married for less than 3 years, it's unlikely that alimony will be awarded. Whereas if a couple has been married for 10+ years it's more likely that a judge will award either temporary or permanent alimony.
How to Get Out of Paying Alimony in Nevada
The law in Nevada says alimony ends when the spouse receiving alimony either passes away or remarries. You can modify spousal support if the paying party's income increases or decreases by 20% or more. This support modification is considered a change of circumstances.
Protecting Your Assets During Divorce
Divorce can be a complex and emotionally challenging process, especially when it comes to dividing assets. At The Hill Law Group, our experienced Las Vegas family lawyers are dedicated to protecting your financial interests during your divorce proceedings.
Here are some key considerations for protecting your assets:
- Asset Evaluation: We will thoroughly assess your marital assets, including property, investments, and business interests, to ensure a fair and equitable distribution.
- Pre-Nuptial and Post-Nuptial Agreements: If you have a pre-nuptial or post-nuptial agreement in place, we will review its terms and help enforce its provisions.
- Hidden Assets: Our skilled attorneys have the resources and expertise to uncover any hidden assets that may be intentionally concealed by your spouse.
- Business Valuation: If you or your spouse owns a business, we can work with financial experts to determine its value and protect your interests.
- Negotiation and Mediation: We will strive to reach a fair settlement through negotiation and mediation, minimizing the need for costly and time-consuming litigation.
By partnering with The Hill Law Group, you can have peace of mind knowing that your assets are in capable hands. Contact us today at (702) 781-7222 to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can protect your financial future during your divorce.
Contact Our Las Vegas Alimony & Spousal Support Attorneys Today
At The Hill Law Group, our spousal support attorneys in Las Vegas are extremely knowledgeable about all aspects of Nevada divorce law. We understand that receiving alimony payments can be vital to a person’s well-being after the dissolution of a marriage. We also understand that being asked to pay an exorbitant spousal support award is unfair.
Our family law team strives to find reasonable and viable solutions to these cases without resorting to litigation. Of course, if taking the case to trial will yield better results, we are always ready to do so.
We advise our clients on the following legal matters:
- Support amount estimations
- Ensuring accurate earning reports
- Subpoenas to get critical income information
- Alimony enforcement and modifications
Our Las Vegas alimony lawyers genuinely care about your current and future welfare. We are deeply committed to reaching a positive solution with relentless attention to detail and truly personalized representation.
Contact us at (702) 781-7222 to learn more about how we can help with your alimony case.
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